In 2017, I embarked on a personal project - developing the Vinnie Drop mobile game. My inspiration stemmed from the Net Yaroze game 'Down', a discovery from my childhood days playing a PlayStation 1 demo disk.
The gameplay involves guiding a character's descent through a vertical platform level. The controls are intuitive; a simple left or right movement using the d-pad. Recognising the seamless adaptability of these controls to mobile devices, I used touch events on each side of the screen for character manipulation.
Drawing upon my proficiency in crafting vector artwork with Flash, I meticulously created all graphical assets from scratch. To maintain precise control over every aspect of the game mechanics, I developed a custom game engine.
Coded ActionScript 3, I bundled the game using the Adobe AIR SDK and released it on Google Play in the summer of 2017.
To bolster the game's online presence, I established - a single-page website using HTML, CSS, and JS. Inspired by the Firewatch website, it featured a background parallax effect on scroll. Additionally, I integrated simple snow particle effects in JS to enhance the overall visual experience.
Technologies Used:
- Adobe Animate
- Actionscript 3
- Adobe AIR
- JavaScript
- Photoshop